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Real-world Solutions for Clean Air and Health

30 November 2023
6 case studies on how engaging the health sector in cities advances climate and clean air action. These high-impact, evidence-based success stories should spur governments around the world to replicate clean air solutions to improve climate and health outcomes.

With support from the Clean Air Fund, Vital Strategies has partnered with city governments to assemble a set of case studies showcasing real-world examples of how engagement with public health organisations and practitioners can accelerate solutions that promote clean air, climate and health simultaneously. As COP28 kicks off, these case studies equip health decision-makers and public health practitioners with examples of real solutions, including:

  • Clean air and climate policies where the inclusion of health voices was instrumental in their successful development or implementation
  • Successful efforts to empower the health sector to serve as effective change agents
  • Approaches to engaging the health sector in climate and clean air action, from cities with varying levels of local data and capacity

Now available at CleanAirforHealth.org, the case studies feature successes from Accra (Ghana), Barranquilla (Colombia), Beijing (China), Jakarta (Indonesia), Kampala (Uganda), and New York City (USA). Each city example showcases how engagement with public health organisations and health practitioners can accelerate solutions that promote clean air, climate and health simultaneously.

COP28 will put health at the heart of climate action for the first time. Health Day on Dec 3 will make it clear to governments that climate action saves lives, so it can’t be postponed. These excellent case studies from six very different cities show how to work with health experts to maximize the benefits of clean air. Every city can take inspiration from this to make a very tangible difference to people’s lives.

Nina Renshaw, Head of Health at Clean Air Fund