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Credit: Clean Air Fund

Clean Air Fund's staff at our office in London.

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Consultancy opportunities and requests for proposals

We regularly work with consultants and suppliers to achieve our mission. We publish opportunities here.

Building the case for action on super pollutant tropospheric ozone: Request for Proposals

We are looking for for organisations/consultants to set out the case for action to reduce tropospheric ozone, engage key stakeholders to support it, and create a powerful policy brief and launch at COP29. The project will require: (1) providing a policy-relevant explainer on tropospheric ozone and its climate, health and agricultural impacts; (2) collating case studies of past successes in mitigating tropospheric ozone and – where this is not already undertaken – to build on these case studies to estimate the climate, agricultural and health benefits that are associated with the reductions achieved; (3) developing a suite of recommendations for each set of key stakeholders (policy makers, the research community, industry etc.) for advancing global action on tropospheric ozone; (4) packaging the work completed in phases 1-3 into a concise and compelling narrative and final output; (5) disseminating and driving engagement during COP29; and 6) supporting post-COP29 activities including follow-up with key stakeholders and planning for continued momentum-building on tropospheric ozone and super pollutants generally.

Apply by: 5 August 2024

Rapid impact assessment of project supporting communities across informal settlements in Delhi: Request for proposals

We are looking for an individual consultant to undertake a rapid impact assessment of our project with Mahila Housing Trust (MHT), a grassroots development organisation in India. The project supports communities across five informal settlements in Delhi that are vulnerable and disproportionately exposed to the impacts of air pollution. The assessment will articulate the achievements against the planned outcomes, quantitative and qualitative impact of the project. The consultant will be required to conduct interviews (remote and in-person) with the MHT team, their strategic communications partner, and fieldwork interviewing the AQI ambassadors (in Delhi) involved in the project. Fluency in Hindi is preferred.

Deadline: 22 July 2024

Toolkit on air quality improvement: Request for proposals

We are looking for an experienced organisation or consultancy to create an engaging air quality toolkit for bilateral and multilateral donors to help design and review projects with an air quality (co-)benefit. The toolkit will consist of key information on air pollution to stimulate project initiation, and a practical guide to help design and review projects with air quality benefits. The toolkit needs to be developed within a short time window, with the final product to be disseminated at COP29, among other key events.

Deadline: 22 July 2024

Portfolio-level monitoring of air quality, climate, socio-economic and equity trends related to our funded projects: a pilot for Poland

The project aims to establish a new, robust, and dynamic mechanism providing vital intelligence and insight to Clean Air Fund, its grantees, and key stakeholders in Poland, regarding the effects of air quality interventions observed. The project will concentrate on developing and testing a tool for monitoring air quality (PM2.5 and NO2), climate (CO2), health, socio-economic and equity changes relevant to our funded projects in Poland, as well as exploring methods of interpreting the data and transforming it into actionable recommendations.

Deadline: 22 July 2024

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Our committed and dynamic team are building a world where everyone has clean air to breathe. Want to be part of it? Join our team.

Our strategy

Our 'Clean Air for All' Strategy (2023–2026) sets out how we are driving progress on tackling global air pollution, including our theory of change.